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Postnatal restorative & Wellness

Heildrænt námskeið fyrir foreldra eftir fæðingu

19.500 íslenskar krónur
Yoga Shala, Skeifunni 7

Service Description

Námskeiðið er heildrænn leiðarvísir fyrir nýja foreldra þar sem þau öðlast færni til að eiga heilbrigðan og uppbyggilegan tíma með barninu eftir fæðingu. Námskeiðið hentar nýjum foreldrum með börn á aldrinum 6 vikna til 12 mánaða. Þátttakandafjöldi hefur verið takmarkaður til að efla öryggistilfinningu og ýta undir tengslamyndun. Aðferðirnar sem kenndar eru á námskeiðinu koma úr heildrænum fræðum jóga og ayurveda. Nánari upplýsingar: WHAT TO EXPECT – Discover the Main Principles of Ayurveda – Recognise Typical Postpartum Imbalances – Receive Advice & Support from skilled midwives – Learn Ayurvedic Baby Massage – Balance Energy with Yoga & Breathing Techniques – Understand Dietary Rules to Nourish Baby & Mother – Practice Yoga to Restore & Strengthen Mother – Explore Fatherly Bonding Techniques with Baby – Enjoy Nourishing Postnatal Herbal Teas ABOUT AYURVEDA Ayurveda is one of the oldest holistic healing systems, developed in India over 3000 years ago and is known as the sister science of Yoga within the Vedic tradition. It aims to restore wholeness with our inner Self by relieving diseases of the body and mind. Ayurveda is a complementary method of dealing with health requirements, working alongside medical practitioners. Jite Brume has taught Yoga since 2008 and has given postnatal workshops since 2018. This course is based on her experience of Yoga, Ayurveda and the challenges overcome in the transition to motherhood. She has worked with the Surya World Yoga & Ayurveda Teacher Training team. Björkin Ljósmæður has been supporting women with midwifery services since 2009. They believe in providing safety and continuity of service throughout the perinatal period. WHEN: Mondays from 10:15 to 11:45 WHERE: Yoga Shala, Skeifan 7, 108 Reykjavík PRICE: 19,500 ISK Registration Deposit: 9,500 ISK (non-refundable) Balance Payment: Course Day 1 CONTACT: For more details or to sign up, please email Jite at In the event of cancellation of the course by the organisers: registration deposit will be fully refunded. In the event of cancellation of a class, the class will be provided on a different day. Kindly note that PAYMENT PLANS are available if you need to spread out the total fee. Please let us know your needs when you sign up.

Cancellation Policy

Hægt er að fá endurgreitt ef afbókun er gerð 24 klst áður en námskeiðið hefst. Mögulegt er að færa námskeiðið ef laust pláss er á næsta námskeið. Hafið samband við okkur,

Contact Details


Björkin ljósmæður, Síðumúli, Reykjavík, Iceland

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